The Apprentice (Çırak)
Emre Konuk
Center for Art Studies and The Turkish Cinema Research Project are hosting Emre Konuk as the guest of From "Image with Soul" to Cinema meeting series. In the 13th session of the series the film of the director The Apprentice(Çırak)* will be our topic.
2/4/2017 4:00 PM

Mehmet Can Mertoğlu
Center for Art Studies and The Turkish Cinema Research Project are hosting Mehmet Can Mertoğlu as the guest of From "Image with Soul" to Cinema meeting series. In the 12th session of the series the film of the director Album* will be our topic.
1/13/2017 4:00 PM

Dream (Rüya)
Derviş Zaim
Center for Art Studies and The Turkish Cinema Research Project are hosting Derviş Zaim as the guest of From "Image with Soul" to Cinema meeting series. In the 11th session of the series the film of the director Dream(Rüya)* will be our topic.
11/26/2016 6:00 PM

Kar Korsanları
Faruk Hacıhafızoğlu
Science and Art Foundation Art Center is glad to host Faruk Hacıhafızoğlu, the director of the movie Kar Korsanları.
5/18/2016 4:00 PM

Neden Tarkovski Olamıyorum Movie Talk
Murat Düzgünoğlu
The guest of the 9th program of the series will be Murat Düzgünoğlu, the director of the film Neden Tarkovski Olamıyorum.
3/18/2016 4:00 PM

Tepecik Hayal Okulu Movie Talk
Güliz Sağlam, İlker Berke
Center for Art Studies and The Turkish Cinema Research Project are hosting a new series under the title From "Image with Soul" to Cinema. The guests of the 8th program of the series will be Güliz Sağlam, the director of the film Tepecik Hayal Okulu and Betül Esener, the senarist & producer of the film
2/27/2016 2:00 PM

Toz Ruhu Movie Talk
Nesimi Yetik, Betül Esener
Center for Art Studies and Turkish and The Turkish Cinema Research Project are hosting the series under the title From "Image with Soul" to Cinema. The seventh guest of the series will be Nesimi Yetik, the director of the film "Toz Ruhu", and Betül Esener, the senarist & producer. The film will be shown in Vefa Hall at 16:00 on January 8 th, 2016. The talk will be held at 18:00 in Zeyrek Hall.
1/8/2016 6:00 PM
City, Melancholy and Pessimism- Uvertür
Alpgiray Uğurlu
The Center for Art Studies and The Turkish Cinema Research Project are hosting a new series under the title "From 'Image with Soul' to Cinema". The sixth guest of the series will be Alpgiray Uğurlu, the director of the film "Uvertür" The film will be shown at 16:30 on May 12nd, 2015. After the show, we will talk about city, melancholy and pessimism with Alpgiray Uğurlu under the moderation of Sinan Sertel at 18:30 in Şakir Kocabaş Hall.
5/12/2015 6:30 PM

Meryem**- Town, Hope, Loneliness
Atalay Taşdiken
The Center for Art Studies and The Turkish Cinema Research Project are hosting a new series under the title "From 'Image with Soul' to Cinema". The fifth guest of the series will be Atalay Taşdiken, the director of the film "Meryem" The film will be shown at 16:30 on April 21st, 2015. After the show, we will talk about town, hope, loneliness with Atalay Taşdiken under the moderation of Celil Civan at 18:30 in Şakir Kocabaş Hall.
4/21/2015 6:30 PM

Dengbejs, Quest and Journey
Hüseyin Karabey
The Center for Art Studies and The Turkish Cinema Research Project are hosting a new series under the title "From 'Image with Soul' to Cinema". The fourth guest of the series will be Hüseyin Karabey, the director of the film "Sesime Gel." The film will be shown at 16:30 on March 20th, 2015. After the show, we will talk about dengbejs, quest, and journey with Hüseyin Karabey under the moderation of Barış Saydam at 18:30 in Şakir Kocabaş Hall.
The program will be conducted in Turkish and is free to public.
3/20/2015 6:30 PM
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.